
Recent studies suggest that providing adequate access to mental healthcare alone will not attenuate depression prevalence rates, but rather through addressing social determinants of health (SDOH), more pronounced and sustainable changes can be attained. Despite increased interest in SDOH, individual-level collection efforts are typically ad-hoc disjointed, and there is no firm understanding about which SDOH elements patient are even willing to share with healthcare providers. In response, we designed a brief, anonymous, online survey to understand patient attitudes about sharing mental healthcare utilization, behavior, treatment, online/social media use, and general SDOH, which we will use to design future observational and prospective studies linking SDOH and EHRs. While results are still preliminary, we have shown that patients are willing to share intimate details about different aspects of their lives, such as how they have dealt with their mental illness, social difficulties, and perceived neighborhood safety. We have also seen that relevant SDOH information can be collected from patients in a short amount of time, and at the patient’s convenience, thus requiring less of the healthcare provider’s time.

Learning Objective: To understand the current state of individual-level social determinants of health (SDOH) collection, and be able to recommend approaches to reducing the knowledge gap around SDOH and mental health through better collection efforts.


Joseph Deferio (Presenter)
Weill Cornell Medicine

Annie Myers, Weill Cornell Medicine
John Meddar, Weill Cornell Medicine
Judith Cukor, Weill Cornell Medicine
Jyotishman Pathak, Weill Cornell Medicine

Presentation Materials:
