
Existing research on the development and validation of computable phenotypes has mostly centered around their use in a biophysical context. We sought to develop and validate a computable phenotype for a healthcare process-specific patient cohort: patients undergoing cancer treatment at our institution (as opposed to patients treated at our institution who happen to have cancer).

Learning Objective: After this presentation, learners should be able to better understand the application of a computable phenotype to areas beyond biophysical conditions and the extensibility of the method to other healthcare process-specific patient cohorts.


Evan Sholle (Presenter)
Weill Cornell Medicine

Orrin Belden, Weill Cornell Medicine
Jaclyn Rosenzweig, Weill Cornell Medicine
Jennifer Levine, Weill Cornell Medicine
Joseph Kabariti, Weill Cornell Medicine
Thomas Campion, Weill Cornell Medicine
Jyotishman Pathak, Weill Cornell Medicine

Presentation Materials:
