
We approach microbiome-based drug discovery through the identification of bioactive bacterial polypeptides with therapeutic potential. Independent analyses of microbiome datasets typically identify altered bacteria in a single cohort with little emphasis on bacterial proteins or functions. Using a meta-analysis approach, we identified microbial signatures delineating clinical response to immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) that are concordant across melanoma cohorts. We discovered immunomodulatory polypeptides derived from these response-associated signatures that have potential to enhance response to ICI.

Learning Objective: (1) Understand caveats with current approaches to microbiome-based drug discovery that focus on single-cohort analysis and bacterial strains as therapeutics (2) Recommend an approach that identifies biomarkers and bacterial-derived polypeptides from cross-cohort integrative analysis of microbiome datasets and systematically screens polypeptides for therapeutic potential.


Jayamary Divya Ravichandar (Presenter)
Second Genome

Cheryl-Emiliane Chow, Second Genome
Connor Skennerton, Second Genome
Dhwani Haria, Second Genome
Erica Rutherford, Second Genome
Helena Kiefel, Second Genome
Joanna Dreux, Second Genome
Kareem Graham, Second Genome
Kathryn Iverson, Second Genome
Lynn Yamamoto, Second Genome
Michelle Lin, Second Genome
Michi Willcoxon, Second Genome
Nicole Narayan, Second Genome
Paul Loriaux, Second Genome
Roberta Hannibal, Second Genome
Sabina Lau, Second Genome
Shoko Iwai, Second Genome
Sunit Jain, Second Genome
Thomas Weinmaier, Second Genome
Yonggan Wu, Second Genome
Yuliya Katlinskaya, Second Genome
Toshihiko Takeuchi, Second Genome
Karim Dabbagh, Second Genome
Todd DeSantis, Second Genome

Presentation Materials:
