
Healthcare interoperability challenges are different than traditional clinical EHR data quality. With the multiple sources of the data content, the responsibility for data quality is split over many enterprises. Data is exchanged between multiple sources, with each source having different data capture and continuous quality improvement programs. When the data is shared, wide variances in adherence to standards means data structure is in flux. Thus, leading to challenges in data ingestion/transformation in the data not being usable in the receiving applications.
Three years ago, the Veterans Health Information Exchange (VHIE) pioneered a clinician viewpoint analysis of HL7 message exchanges with the end goals of increasing native ingestion of external data. From a completeness and content perspective the results of the analysis, where they even exist, can be overwhelming. Clinical content improvement comes from focusing on Relevance, Robustness and Repercussions.

Learning Objective: Formulate an approach to clinical data quality monitoring of HL7 Standards data exchanges that includes: data quality thresholds, continuous surveillance monitoring, need for comprehensive Interoperability Implementation Guide development to address highly variable adherence practices within the HL7 Standards.


Sandra Mitchell (Presenter)
VHIE Contractor, JP SYstems

Gay Stahr, VHIE Contractor, JP SYstems
Todd Turner, VHA Office of Health Informatics

Presentation Materials:
