
Sponsorship is important for career development, but infrequently discussed and often not well understood. Sponsors are advocates for their protégés, recommending them for promotion, connecting them with senior leaders, promoting their visibility – pulling them up the ladder with them. In this panel, the speakers will introduce the concept of sponsorship, its impact on careers of young, mid- and experienced informaticians, and describe their own experiences from both sides of the sponsorship relationship. The objectives of this panel are to: (1) learn the importance of sponsorship in one’s career; (2) learn how to be a sponsor or to find one; (3) share experiences with others; and (4) develop an action plan for what to do during the AMIA symposium to put in to practice what is learned.

Learning Objective: (1) To learn the importance of sponsorship in one’s career.
(2) To learn how to be a sponsor or to find one.
(3) To share experiences with others.
(4) To develop an action plan for what to do during the AMIA symposium to put in to practice what is learned.


Tiffany Leung (Presenter)
Maastricht University

Marion Ball (Presenter)
IBM Research

Cynthia Brandt (Presenter)
VA Connecticut Healthcare System

Gretchen Jackson (Presenter)
IBM Watson Health

Titus Schleyer (Presenter)
Indiana University School of Medicine

Presentation Materials:
