
It is critical the field of health IT innovate far quicker to optimize real-time solutions in areas ripe for momentum. The 21st Century Cures Act requires health IT to have application programming interfaces (APIs) which enable access to all of a patient’s data with no special effort. The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) published a proposed rule to implement these APIs, both for bulk data access and for one at a time patient access. In anticipation of a new generation of health IT, ONC created the Leading Edge Acceleration Projects (LEAP) in Health IT funding opportunity, informing the development, implementation and use, and/or advancement of well designed, interoperable, and scalable health IT. Two projects under LEAP in health IT, will be showcased on this panel. Dr. Mandl will discuss and demonstrate a provider-payor use case employing the emerging SMART/HL-7 bulk-data API, which defines a Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) “Flat FHIR” format. Dr. Miller will present on work advancing clinical knowledge at the point of care via risk calculator implemented as a SMART on FHIR app into an active surveillance tool clinicians can use in electronic health records (EHRs) to integrate and improve patient care.

Learning Objective: Participants will have a strong understanding of ONC’s scientific efforts, with a strong focus on the LEAP in Health IT Program, and the newest focal areas of interest.
Participants will learn about the technical development and utilization of each LEAP project to date.
Participants will learn what challenges and barriers each LEAP project experienced and how those could impact broader uptake by the field.
Participants will learn what gaps currently exist providing bulk data sharing and integration into real time decision making.


Kevin Chaney (Presenter)
Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT

Teresa Zayas-Cabán (Presenter)
Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT

Kenneth Mandl (Presenter)
Boston Children's Hospital

Kristen Miller (Presenter)
MedStar Health

Presentation Materials:
