
Digital data available from social media and passive sensing offer a new window into individual health, with the potential to uncover a nuanced understanding of an individual’s lived experiences, both expressed and unexpressed. Harvesting health insights from digital data is significant yet understudied with implications to advance efforts that capitalize on objective digital data and evidence to improve health forecasting and interventions. In this panel, we will explore how digital data can be used to characterize, forecast mental health conditions, and potentially use it in clinical settings. In the first talk, we discuss how digital data may impact the process of care, specifically the doctor-patient relationship. The second talk explores the potential of real-time detection of behavioral anomalies using passive sensing to forecast schizophrenia. In the third talk, we show how social media can be used to better understand the naturalistic manifestations and consequences of loneliness based on a cohort of Twitter users. The fourth talk examines emergent ethical and methods challenges of utilizing novel digital data sources in mental health research and care. Together, this panel demonstrates the potential for social media and wearable sensors to uncover insight into psychological health and well-being. This panel is designed to explain a new generation of innovative and targeted digital decision support tools, and launch large-scale trials exploring the acceptability, efficacy, and ethical as well as clinical implications of incorporating these tools into clinical care.

Learning Objective: Understand a new generation of innovative and targeted digital decision support tools in mental health, and launch large-scale trials exploring the acceptability, efficacy, and ethical as well as clinical implications of incorporating these tools into clinical care.


Sharath Guntuku (Presenter)
University of Pennsylvania

Lauren Southwick (Presenter)
Penn Medicine

Ipsit Vahia (Presenter)
McLean Hospital

Ian Barnett (Presenter)
University of Pennsylvania

Stevie Chancellor (Presenter)
Northwestern University

Presentation Materials:
