
Cancer navigation focuses on reducing barriers to assure well-coordinated, timely access to care. Navigating Veterans across multiple VA facilities presents unique challenges in system-wide coordination and communication of care. To address these challenges, a cancer navigation program was integrated with a clinical informatics team. Clinical informatics is able to support cancer navigation with important activities including coordination of clinical care, identification of potential barriers to care, patient tracking, communication, and program monitoring and evaluation.

Learning Objective: 1. Understand the importance of Cancer Care Navigation Standard of Care recommended by Commission on Cancer
2. Learn about the technilogical barriers in Cancer Care Navigation Programs.
3. Learn about a solution using cancer informatics to overcome the barriers and support Cancer Care Navigation Programs in eight VA facilities.


traudi rose, VA Portland Healthcare System
Jianji Yang (Presenter)
VA Portland Healthcare System

Judy mcconnachie, Providence Health & Services

Presentation Materials:
