
Human-centered design (HCD) can be used to communicate research study findings to designers of health information technologies (HIT). We used the HCD approach to develop personas, scenarios, and design guidelines for designers with the aim that it would lead to new HIT designs that support the autonomy and health of older adults. The foundation of the personas, scenarios, and design guidelines was a study that focused on understanding how older adults manage their health information and the role that stakeholders play in that process. In this paper, we describe how we carried out a HCD approach and how it led us to expand the persona process to create a network of connected personas. The connected personas allowed us to show the complexities of personal health information management for older adults and emphasize the importance of relationships with family, friends, and providers.

Learning Objective: Establish the value of using a human centered design approach to design and develop health information technologies (HIT) for older adults.

Increase understanding of how personas can be used to translate complex activities, such as the personal health information management, into HIT for older adults.


Dawn Sakaguchi-Tang (Presenter)
University of Washington

Anne Turner, University of Washington
Jean Taylor, University of Washington
Julie Kientz, University of Washington

Presentation Materials:
