
Opioid mortality rates continue to rise annually, but treatment is often inaccessible. Availability of emergency treatment involving partial agonist medication can be beneficial for initiating recovery; but geographic, transportation, and other barriers limit access. Telemedicine is one tool with potential to transform emergent interventions for individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD). In this clinical research study, we developed and piloted a telemedicine solution to examine feasibility, and here, we describe our study framework and initial outcomes.

Learning Objective: 1. To define two barriers to access for emergency treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD).
2. To describe a proposed process flow for utilizing telemedicine in treating OUD.
3. To describe initial feasibility and outcomes for incorporating telemedicine for treating OUD.


James Langabeer (Presenter)
University of Texas Health Science Center

Kimberly Chambers, UT Health
Andrea Yatsco, University of Texas Health Science Center
Tiffany Champagne-Langabeer, University of Texas Health Science Center

Presentation Materials:
