
Structured templates in EHR are essential for primary and secondary usage of clinical data. We compared data entry time for structured data entries (SDEs) and free text. SDEs required 13.8% more time on average at the initial adoption. However, well-designed SDEs could reduce data entry time from the beginning. Therefore, it is necessary to select an item to be structured from all template items.

Learning Objective: In this study, we compared the elapsed time for free text entries and structured data entries (SDEs). Based on the result that data entry time was different to each template, we tried to figure out the core requirements of successful SDE implementation.


Ji Eun Hwang (Presenter)
SungKyunKwan University(SAIHST)

Byung-Ook Seong, Asan Medical Center
Sang-Oh Lee, Asan Medical Center
Soo-Yong Shin, SungKyunKwan University(SAIHST)

Presentation Materials:
