
Teledermatology is a telehealth service in which health care practitioners may submit clinical exams to remote specialists to obtain results according to experts that by other means would not be accessible in a timely way. Objective: This work aims to describe a teledermatology experience based on a dermastocopy procedure on the HealthNet telehealth software platform. Based on our experience and the dermastocopy results, we conclude that performing teledermatology is a viable approach.

Learning Objective: This work aims to describe a teledermatology experience based on a dermastocopy procedure on the HealthNet telehealth software platform.


Keilla de Mélo, UFPE
Nelson Leitão Júnior, UFPE
Danilo da Silva, UFPE
Webber Fantini, UFPE
Alexandra Grisolia, UERJ
Magdala Novaes (Presenter)

Presentation Materials:
